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May 29, 2010


 Olivier & Kelli

Hi Ulla, we send you good energy for the big step in life #2. With Kelli, you are famous in Boise Idaho too... As soon as you open your restaurants, be prepared to get guests from the other side of the Atlantic. Very proud of you - Kelli & Olivier.


Aahh, I can feel the energy ;) Good to know that I am famous somewhere. Hopefully someday in Paris or at least in a part of Paris too. Merci mes amis !!!

nursing top

looks so yummy! hmmm.............
YUM YUM i was looking on it and it's tempting me to eat it. LOL

Bill Butterfield

I am so amazed and happy for your progress!! Trust me I WILL come back to Paris when you open your resto!! I wish you all the best! Stay strong! You are an inspiration to anyone wanting to follow their dreams and therefore a tonic to the duldrums of the orwellian existence pushed upon so many of us.

Bonne chance à vous!! (but you don't really need luck because you are so awesome!)

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