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April 20, 2010



I am the first to find you, back here!!! Welcome back!!
Lovely music, ganz mein Geschmack.
Salut Ulla from MUC


Ula--thank you so much for returning to post; I was very curious as to what was happening with you and was hoping you returned back from Christmas break. I too enjoy Chet Baker--I "discovered" him several years ago when there was a art/architecture/music exhibit in my town titled "The Birth of Cool" which encompased all the art forms of that 50s Jazz period. Chet now has several key spots on my i-pod.
thanks for sharing the wonderful story! amazing how threads weave through our lives.


Hola Ulla,

Great to see you back at girl!! Keep up the great spirit and the nourishing of our gastronomical desires. It's always an absolute pleasure to read those posts (and recipes....uhmmmmmm) Yummy, yummy!! ;-)

L.T.O. J!

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