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December 19, 2009



I love tapioca! And pomegranite, and passion fruit ! I plan on coming in Tuesday night. Just need to get a headcount.


A tip for the verrines next time - if you have some spare raw pate brisee/sucree/ whatever, use a blob of that to stick the verrine down on the plate - might help avoid breakage?
Bloody freezing in London - heading back to the Emerald Isle Monday for Chrimbo for a week - then back to London and into new job, fingers crossed!! :)
Very nice dessert - I might come to you for inspiration for the new job!
Take care, bisous :)


I have seen your "sushi" dessert. What a lovely idea!! And then, this one the Grissini reminded me of "love letters" that we make for Chinese New Year in South-East Asia. The tapioca in coconut milk...Ohh! What a lovely accompaniment!
Pretend the patron is invisible :))

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i've never taste this tapioca dish, but i'm sure that is great by seing the picture, it looks fantastic!

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